Finally, a new version of Counter-Strike Xtreme v6 free download unblockedIn this assembly, major changes were made. Were corrected problems with the launch, added weapon models, bots have become much smarter and also added maps and weypoints to them.CS 1.6 Xtreme full Download .rar or .exe file and test, will write notes in comments in the next version will fix the bugs that you find.And for those who do not know what was going on I'll tell you what changes have suffered a previous version 6, game have various versions 2014 v7, 2015 v8, 2016 v9, 2017 v10 Year of Production. În cele din urmă, o nouă versiune a Counter-Strike Xtreme v6 download gratuit deblocat În acest ansamblu, s-au făcut schimbări majore. Au fost corectate problemele cu lansarea, a adăugat modele de arme, roboții au devenit mult mai inteligent și, de asemenea, hărți și weypoints la them.CS 1.6 Xtreme Descărcare .rar sau un fișier .exe și de testare a adăugat, va scrie note în comentariile în următoarea versiune va repara bug-uri pe care le găsiți. Iar pentru cei care nu știu ce se întâmplă să-ți spun ce schimbări au suferit o versiune anterioară de 6, joc au diferite versiuni 2014 V7 2015 v8, v9 2016, 2017 V10 Anul producției.Added 6 mods:1. Normal - classic game.2. Zombie Unite - Zombie modes in which you can choose who to play (you can select the person or zombie)3. Team match - the team plays on a team with instant respawn4. Ghost Mod - you against a team of ghosts which is barely visible and they are armed only with knives5. Zombie Mod 3 - the classic zombie mod. one infected attempts to infect all the others6. Zombie Scenario - alone against hordes of zombies. need to survive and destroy the main and ghoulsPlus new effects and animation. this is a plus for those who because of the ping can not normally play on Chinese servers and can also be oprobyvat weapons available in the CSO only Donat of 1.6 was perhaps that the multiplayer and the principle of normal.Features:Added about 40 types of weapon and player models (which is added and not replaced)Effects in the murder.Its sounds for each weapon.New special effects.Lights weapons.Fixed errors when connecting.Works search servers.*** Counter Strike full fix CS 1.6 Error 5899 Metadata file missing or damaged solvedvar sTime = new Date().getTime();var countDown = 60;function UpdateTime() var cTime = new Date().getTime(); var diff = cTime - sTime; var seconds = countDown - Math.floor(diff / 1000); if (seconds >= 0) var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); seconds -= minutes * 60; $("#minutes").text(minutes Download Link time: Download XtremeTorrent download.RAR or .ZIP Packing / unpacking download site /** * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT THE SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM YOUR PLATFORM OR CMS. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: -variables */ /* var disqus_config = function () = PAGE_URL; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable = PAGE_IDENTIFIER; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable ; */ (function() d.body).appendChild(s); )(); Zombie Plague is a Counter-Strike server side modification, developed as an AMX Mod X plugin, which completely revamps the gameplay, turning the game into an intense "Humans vs Zombies" survival experience.Although it is highly based on the classic zombie infection fashion, it takes the concept to a new level by introducing: New game modes: Nemesis, Survivor, Multi Infection, Swarm, and more Zombie class system: addding allows unlimited custom Zombie classes Human class system: allows unlimited custom addding human classes Ammo Packs: awarded skilled players, can be exchanged for goods Extra Items System: allows you to add unlimited custom items to buy Custom Grenades: Napalm, cold Nades, rockets, bombs and infection Deathmatch Mode: where zombies or people can continually respawn Administrator menu: easy to perform include console commands Special Effects: from the HL Engine, such as dynamic lighting and fog
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