By Graham K. RogersEarlier this week the latest version of Disk Warrior arrived in my mailbox. Alsoft now provides Disk Warrior 5 on a USB flash drive as news Macs no longer come with the optical drive. I spent several hours looking at the ways in which this powerful utility could be installed on and run from various media, writing about this in a series of linked articles (see below).As well as the essential repair and maintenance features for which Disk Warrior is well-known, there is a selection of other tools that can help users reinforce the protection they need. These were also available in the previous version.Disk Warrior PanelWhen run from the installation of Disk Warrior on a hard disk, the main panel has six icons on the toolbar. The three to the right are marked i (Information, Unmount and Eject. These last two are greyed out when no relevant disks are found (the startup disk cannot be ejected or unmounted).Attaching a disk changes these icons (along with the disk selector button): the Unmount and Eject icons become live. Pressing either reveals a small panel asking if the user is sure about the action request. Once the disk is elected, the icons return to their greyed-out state after a few seconds.The Information icon (i) opens a panel that displays information about the disk shown in the disk selector button. If the disk chosen is the startup disk, the Unmount and Eject keys are immediately greyed out.The three icons to the left of the panel are for the tasks that Disk Warrior can carry out on a disk. The first of these Directory will display information about the disk and its optimization status, but it is only possible to use the Rebuild button when the disk selected is one other than the startup disk.FilesThe first of the additional checks that can be run on a disk is for Files. The panel is in three parts: disk selector button; Repair Disk Permissions; and Check all Files and Folders. The latter two are made active with check boxes and the processes begin when the Start button is pressed. I ran these separately to gauge the time taken on the 512 GB SSD disk I use.Repair Permissions does not display the same information as when this is run using Disk Utility. For example one of the processes shown was 'Examining known files and folders." The process took 2 min 44 seconds and a report (like the Rebuild report) was shown on the Desktop. As this includes the Disk Warrior serial number, it is not shown here.Check all Files and Folders was shorter at 2 minutes exactly. Items checked were Checking files and foldersChecking property list fileschecking file and folder pathsChecking folder hierarchy depthsChecking file forksChecking folder item countsThe number of files that had property list and resource data checked was shown, along with the maximum folder depth (24). Two property list files (both Apple and linked to the App Store) were found to be damaged and unrepairable. I deleted those two files then ran the check again. Although these files had been deleted, the utility found hidden versions and again reported them as corrupt. This will need some further investigation. I saved a copy of the report.HardwareThe final icon is marked hardware and shows a small flashlight over a disk. Clicking on this icon produced a 2-part panel: Manual Diagnostics; and Automatic Diagnostics. Manual Diagnostics displayed two buttons in the lower part of the panel: the hard disk selected and Test Device. An icon of the selected disk was shown and a brief text description was shown alongside. Below was a pane (initially blank) in which the report was displayed. When I pressed Test Device, the utility examined the S.M.A.R.T. status (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) of the disk and reported that all was well.Automatic Diagnostics allows the user to setup testing and monitoring schedules. When the box for the automatic checks is selected, there are options for Never, Hourly, Daily and Weekly (Hourly is the default).Several methods for notification are available with the default (controlled by a checkbox) being an on-screen warning. Also available are warnings via E-mail, AppleScript and Text Message:Selecting E-mail requires the recipients details to be entered in a configuration panel. The detailed information needed should be shown in Mail preferences. A button is available for sending a test mail.To run an AppleScript the user is prompted to select a suitable file from a Finder window.The Message option will send an SMS to a phone. The panel allows entering of a phone number and selection of the carrier. The menu only shows a selection of 19 carriers from north America and Europe, although a Customize button alongside is available so that other carrier details may be included. As part of this, a user needs to enter details of the relevant gateway (e.g. Also:Disk Warrior Updated to Version 5 and Available on USB drive: (1) Opening the BoxDisk Warrior Updated to Version 5 and Available on USB drive: (2) Installing on the Mac and External MediaDisk Warrior Updated to Version 5 and Available on USB drive: (3) Making a Rescue Disk and Running the RepairDisk Warrior Updated to Version 5 and Available on USB drive: (4) Updating the DiskWarrior USB DriveGraham K. Rogers teaches at the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University in Thailand where he is also Assistant Dean. He wrote in the Bangkok Post, Database supplement on IT subjects. For the last seven years of Database he wrote a column on Apple and Macs. He is now continuing that in the Bangkok Post supplement, Life.
Disk Warrior 5 Serial Number
aClock v2.5.28365qre148365qrel4In order to enter the serial number, you must hold down the option key when pressing the Register buttonlink: [ Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Adobe Products Adobe softwares WARNING!! Before installing illustrator 9 orPhotoshop 6.0 cut off yourconnection. Before entering anyinformation into thepersonalization dialog (serialnumber, name, etc.).Install the software then go intoSystem Folder > Application Support> Adobe > Web : and then compressthe following files :> AdobeOnline Inventory > Adoberegistrationeng.html or Adoberegistrationenu.html > Adoberegistrationfra.html > AdobeWeb.dll > AOM You can now open your apps whileyour connection is on!! Those!#$@ty modules in illustrator 9 orPhotoshop 6.0 send directly yourregistration number and productsinformations to "Adobe's girls". sobeware!! As recently reported, these modules sendyour registration name and numberdirectly to Adobe. Make sure to read the privacystatement by Adobe. This is wherethey inform you of the registrationnumber being sent.From a reliable Adobe sourceThe format is the following:PPLVVVZZXXXXXX-CCC (Single License)PPLVVVZZXXXXXX-NNN-CCC (Multi License)PP: Product IdentifierL: Language IdentifierW = USE = English InternationalF = FrenchG = GermanI = ItalianP = SpanishJ = JapaneseT = ChineseK = Korean VVV: Product VersionZZ: Package ID/Media Type X = NFR 1 = CDU = Upgrade 2 = CD (Bundle, I think)B = Bundle 3 = 3,5" FloppyR = Regular 5 = 5,25" FloppyE = Evaluation 7 = CDP = ?XXXXXX: Sequence Number, 6 digitsNNN: Number of licensesCCC: ChecksumWhen calculating the checksum with Adobe Checksum 2.1 (included), you mustfill the Header field with the 8 first characters of the SN (PPLVVVZZ), theLower and Upper fields with the Sequence Number (6 digits (XXXXXX)), and theUsers field with NNN (Number of licenses).Some Mac Products Prefixes (Product Identifier):Acrobat Pro Acrobat WorkGroup 2.x : DEAcrobat Pro . 3.0 : AEAcrobat Distiller
Ambrosia Software Ok, Lets start. As youprobably know AmbrosiaSoftware serial numbers expire30 days after they are issuedin an attempt to curb piracy.I figuredthat it is very easy to useAmbrosia's expired serialnumbers. The article says thatthe code once entered into theapp is good forever. What youmust do is find out when theserial that you have wasposted/confirmed working (thedate). Once you have this setyour date back on yourcomputer until the softwareaccepts the code. Once youhave successfully registeredsimply set the date back onyour computer to the currentdate and enjoy. This shouldwork unless of course theserial number you are tryingis [ Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ]
Apple Quicktime v5.0.2Name : Pablo Org. :Code : PU4W-CWNN-CKUU-KR4K-A845#gives "Future Pro Player Edition"Name: AppleOrg.: Code: 10db-c756-8a9c-a85c-dead#gives "3.0/4.0 Pro Player Edition"Name: MACOS QA Org.:Code: WT8Q-UQPJ-PAEU-P3RT-CA8D#gives "5.0 Pro Player Edition"#Name : Mac User Code : P4JX-8AJJ-TEET-XJPP-41A6 Name : QuickTime Code : WATT-RUEM-4PME-XEJM-0C29 Name : No Windows Code : ARU2-4TPU-RMQ8-WE84-B781 Name : Freeware Code : MQR4-PUP8-PUJA-UGMX-B781 Name : System Part Code : UUX3-2Q43-UPAQ-W8AR-B781 Name : Value Pack Code : 488U-AWWT-R3G2-28JQ-B781 Name : Private Code : JUMG-A82U-X2J8-GAQR-B781 Name : Open Source Code : P8JE-WJUT-PRXT-GGTQ-9897 Name : Low Cost Code : M4WR-WGEM-TER2-ERJT-9897 Name : Apples Finest Code : 228J-4R8P-XMQT-QUM2-9897v5.0.1Name: AppleOrg.: Code: 10db-c756-8a9c-a85c-deadv5 for PCName: NSA_CRACKERZ_TEAMOrg.: NCTCode: WUWM-GPPJ-T4GA-W2T3-5678v5betaName: MACOS QA Org.: Leave this blank Code: WT8Q-UQPJ-PAEU-P3RT-CA8DName: PPCOrg: BUGSN: 48F7-A869-FC3C-41E4-1234Name: ZZZZZ Code: 5A18-A82C-E81D-23FB-57AF (old serials still work)v4.1.3 ProName: AppleCode: 10DB-C756-8A9C-A85C-DEADv4.0.3 ProName: AppleCode: 10DB-C756-8A9C-A85C-DEADv4.0J ProName: MoonDarkCode: DE70-D250-2DBA-A153-E882v4.0b18Name : Hotline userComany: I think you can use anything here, if not use nothingCode : 4FF8-7A84-3424-3C26-9830v4.0b11name: QuickTime Developercode: AJMG-QXJR-PRRJ-GUP4-QT4!v3.0 ProName: PPCOrg: BUGSN: 48F7-A869-FC3C-41E4-1234Name: AnonymousSN: F7F9-D8CD-7CE6-1677-4321Name: MoonDarkSN: 22C6-3A5A-D2CD-8D2A-FFFFName: AppleSN: BD21-A97C-6910-6C23-FFFFName: AppleSN: 10DB-C756-8A9C-A85C-DEADName: UndefinedSN: 4AED-19ED-094F-1048-4321v4.0: according to Apple, the same registration number used for QT 3Pro works on QT4. In fact, if you've already got QT3 Pro installed andinstall QT4 Pro over it, you'll find the same registration isautomatically used by QT4 BSNG[ Versiontracker cnet Google theSNITCH hlsearch ] 2ff7e9595c